2022 Holiday Dinner
Grazie Ristorante, Bothell WA
Twenty -two Seattle Section members gathered on Saturday night, December 10 to celebrate the holidays. After a hearty helping of appetizers and an initial pouring of wine, each member introduced themselves with a little of their MBCA history. A common theme was the friendships found among the membership. It was so nice to be able to gather in person.
David Glass, Seattle Section President, described the relationship between our local section and the national organization. The historic membership rebate ($11 per member per year) has been discontinued and the National Board expects the local section to exist on its own. He passed around the Medallion Rallye medallion promoted by the National Board, but not well advertised.
Tickets were then offered for our first 50/50 Raffle. The goal is to raise funds for the Seattle Section to use for events and other expenses. Half of the money collected was presented to the lucky ticket holder (Jeff Beatty) and the other half was deposited in the Section Treasury.
After a wonderful salad and entrees chosen from the special menu, the “Holiday Spirit” awards were presented. Hazel Beatty won the second prize gift bag with her Christmas sweater. Ian Gleadle won first prize with his holiday outfit. As usual, a good time was had by all.
Debbie & Paul Ward