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MBCA BC Stars Show & Shine, 2022
Saturday, September 3rd, 10:00 am, Langley, BC 
& Wine Tour
Sunday, September 4th 

The British Columbia Section Regional Show & Shine is BACK AGAIN after a 2 year absence! So, dust off any cobwebs, polish the chrome, wax and buff the paint on your favorite Mercedes and sign it up for this year’s Annual Regional Show & Shine. We had to change location for the Show & Shine from North Vancouver as they are no longer allowing usage of the Waterfront Park TO our new location Dilawri’s Mercedes-Benz Dealership located in Langley, BC. This is the largest display of Mercedes-Benz owned by MBCA members in British Columbia. This event offers People’s Choice voting with awards and trophies, local dealer and vendor display and door prizes. Non-MBCA members are also welcomed to display their cars. Dilawri Mercedes-Benz Dealership, 20801 Langley Bypass, Langley, BC has generously offered us the use of their beautiful facility and grounds. Food Vendors will be available during the event.


Car Registration Fees:

Registration is cd$20 per car. Registration at the gate for the day of the event is cd$30 per car. Please follow the LINK to register your car. For additional BC Stars information go to  


Schedule of Events:

10 AM to 11:30 AM – Benz’s are staged

11:30 AM to 1:00 PM - People’s Choice Judging

1:30 PM to 2:00 PM - Announcements, door prizes & awards


Canada Boarder Crossing: Note it is members individual responsibility to cross to US/Canada border. At the time of writing Vaccination for COVID 19 and completion of an ArriveCAN phonr application electronic process is mandatory to gain entry. Please confirm prior to arrival in Canada as requirements may change.


& Wine Tour
Sunday, September 4th 


Following the BC Stars’ (British Columbia MBCA section) Show and Shine on 9/3/2022 the Seattle section is going on a tour of the Langley, BC wine region the following day (Sunday) 9/4/2022.
Starting at Mercedes-Benz of Langley and touring four wineries, we will have the opportunity to sample wine at each stop. The locations have been chosen to showcase the full range of wine in the area. It includes red, white and fruit wines, to make sure there is something for everyone (Assume about one glass of wine per tasting.)
The route is designed to give some driving around the local wine and horse country as well as a stop for lunch, ending closest to one of the smaller and less busy crossings to ease travel home.
It should make for a fun, relaxing time with our cars and fellow club members. Also a fantastic opportunity to do something we have not had chance to do in a long time, go explore that strange land of hockey sticks and maple syrup to the north. Rumor is they are very friendly up there!!

Please signup by August 27, 2002 with James Bambury at



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